Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The CommonSense Cookery Book

Aim: To make Mini Lemon Cheese Pancakes



Discussion: It was okay, lol. I'm glad I didn't burn the house down, or develop food poisoning..... yet. Haha I imagined myself to be on Masterchef and I kept on looking at the clock saying "Oh man I don't know if I can plate up in time (!!!)". That's right, I like to participate in a little roleplay when I cook. And because of me, the whole house smells like oil and fried things. All in all, I quite like it; it was easy to make and easy to clean up. Oh Cooking Mama, I'll never be as good as you D:



  1. wow that's pretty! "i'd be happy to eat that" ;) (masterchef woo!)

  2. i loveeeee pancakes
    yesterday i made crepes with chocolate sauce :D
