Wednesday, December 30, 2009

how to make bangles

Inspired by blogs and other DIY websites ☺

what you need:

the fabric is about 100cm long and 5cm wide

1. Iron the fabric you're going to be using. I'm using this one again coz we have lots of it. Sew the ends when you're done

2. Apply a good amount of glue on the end of the fabric strip and start wrapping around the bangle
Make sure it's tight, and re-apply more glue throughout if necessary

3. Cut off excess material and finish off with clag glue to hold it together.

Done :)
Great for styling up old bangles you stopped wearing yonks ago :D

Roses are Sometimes Red

Made these while watching Family Guy.
Was inspired by some DIY videos on youtube.

I actually don't know what to do with them. I may have created something without a purpose. So I guess I created ... nothing.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I used mostly clag glue

Jazzing up office supplies because I said so.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I never had a problem with how my room looked. As long as it served it's natural function then I'm happy. Bedroom; bed in a room. And that's how I see it now- just a room with a bed in it.
Which leads me to my next assignment: Project Make-Bedroom-Look-Less-Crap

1.Make a DIY Bookshelf:
This is a simple/5 year old interpretation of a plan I drew up

I'll put up pic's of the construction process later

old sketches

from the ole "Borrowing" book;

a)b) c)d)e)

a) Steve Carell; b) Sara Ramirez c) Random girl from random magazine d) made up e) girl from mag, boy made up

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Day, New drawings

After being shocked at how much i really don't like my Paul McCartney painting, i decided to compensate with this. I wanted to try a more fashion-based style; it's a lot softer and delicate than what I usually do:

<--haha i'm so pro i got the camera string in the pic! woooo!

It's ... somebody. I don't know her name but it's definately not a made up person.
Leave a comment who you think it is coz I sure as hell don't know ):
I think this took an hour and a half :)

p.s i might "finish" this drawing off later. Initially i was gonna leave the hair blank, but i think it'll look better if i did it properly. when i can be bothered of course :P

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Belated Tattoo

Taken from emily's camera coz I am a lazy puck
It's actually a sparrow but it has the colours of a robin, and of course, it's connected to the Beatles Blackbird song so go check it out!
Yes it did hurt, but only for a bit. the actual needle-to-skin pain doesn't hurt thaaaat much, its more the repetition of it which makes it a bit of a bitch to sit through. This one touches my collarbone and that CAINS. Common sense though; it's gonna hurt more when it's close to the bone. Buuuuuut, everyone's pain resistance is different so what i'm saying doesn't apply to everyone. If i could describe the feeling in one word, it would be annoying.
this is an old photo, it's actually a lot lighter now coz most of the excess ink has washed off ;)
I think i'm gonna get another one, now that i know what it feels like/how much i like it ... i wouldn't mind one on the side of my back - that's IF i can save up the dosh for one ;)
sorry for the belatedness, i woulda posted it as soon as i got home, but i could not find a cam and to be honest, i was too sore to bother :)

Hey Ju- Karen

Today, somehow inspired by the movie 500 Days of Summer, I painted a portrait of Paul McCartney:

It's unfinished; I've concluded- I don't think I'm much of a painter :(

My working station. Folks still pester me to clean it up

I SHALL DO A SIMPLE DRAWING NEXT, cleaning was WAY too troublesome.

hello world

turning this into an art blog
because I've realised
after finishing art 3&4,
I seem
to have lost my
artistic momentum.
this will cure
my lack of
thanks for tuning in :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

say whaaaaaat?


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

long time no blog

gosh its been a while, hey!
B'day bash is coming up soon soon soon! So I thought I might make a tiny wishlist for those that are struggling at the moment ;
*HEELS size 7, preferably bright colored

*Fossil Wallet, long

*Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ..... just to complete the set lols
*RINGS & bangles; rusty gold, chains

*Purses w/ chains

*Big leather baaaaags

*Liquid Eyeliner, Powder Foundation Brush

*Colored non prescription contact lenses: blue, violet (ICE acessories)

*Ray Ban sunnies
*anything The Beatles related :) (t-shirts, posters)
If not I would LOVE Officeworks/Diva/Myer gift card or.....monies!
That's it for now ... I might add more if I see anything I like.These are only rough suggestions but i'm happy to receive whatever haha

My bunny just had another litter of babies so if anyone's interesting in owning one, contact me through msn or facebook. No cash required; we're simply giving them away ;)

Monday, November 23, 2009


fk I hate it when people boast.
Please don't boast.
It only makes me want to chopstick you in the eyeball.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

*sad face*

1 year of ruthless brainstorming, drawing, printing, cutting, sticking, anotating, ripping, sweating, crying and binge eating out of the way.

Art unit 3&4
can't believe it's finally over.

somewhere in springvale

Today, dad and I bumped into an old hairdresser during lunch. He commented on how big I'd gotten, and asked if I remembered him. Dad answered for me and said no, seeing how it was so long ago. As he walked away, I remembered who he was. He was the only hairdresser who made me cry after cutting my hair like a boy's. FML.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

how to save a life

I've just grown a deeeeep amount of appreciation for nurses and doctors. And it's not just coz they save lives on a daily basis but because they have the courage to believe so much in themselves. i sound kinda stupid and nonsensicial at the moment, but i seriously think medics are so so brave. like to have that much responsibility over someone else's life is incredible, and so reassuring to know that they have that courage to help.

My sister brought home a baby possum a couple of days ago which she was assigned to look after until it was old enough to go back. it was a tiny little thing, maybe the size of your palm at most. i admit, they're not the cutest creatures when they're a baby, but they're still very tiny and frail. we had it for roughly 3 or 4 days until it passed away yesterday. for some reason i felt oddly emotional about it (maybe coz i felt so attached to it, seeing how i took care of it the most) despite the fact it not being ours to keep. then i began to wonder how brave doctors and vets are to not be so emotionally distressed. it sounds like a bad thing, but for me, i don't think i'd be able to handle it. so much responsibility on one person (probs more) like, i wouldnt know what to do or where to begin, which is probably the reason why i'm not going to become any of those things. its made me appreciate and admire them that much more. Kudos to those who are going into that field. I think your amazing and brave and specfcukingtacular. keep doing what you do ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A is for Art, and Angry

Okay, so I've set out all my methods books out ready for an awesome night of probabilty distribution and the like when I stumble upon something that sort of makes my eye twitch.

It's not that we don't acknowledge good art when we see it, but we connect to certain things more than others. We don't plan to cause fuss over people's work, but rather express genuine adoration for it. Lol we had a whole topic of bloody Whose Reality, surely we can never assume there is one perception of an artwork but several? I understand where you coming from though. It hurts when your work doesn't quite get as much attention as it should compared to the effort that was made for it. But that's not WHY you're doing it right? Why produce work for the sake of how much attention it will have?

Honestly, i wouldn't cause such a fuss over something so trivial, but when friends are concerned, it becomes a little personal. I don't appreciate it when a good friend of mine is criticised on their work, or when their freedom of speech is discriminated against. Unknowingly, you've judged them, after claiming they have no right to judge others? They have every right to say what they want! Especially when they mean no harm.
You may disregard this, because it does not comply with your opinion, but it doesn't make it right. You may not give a fuck about what i have to say, but you should at least consider the things you DO say potentially offensive. Essentially it is your own opinion of the matter, but this is mine.

It shits me up the wall when people think they're the centre of the universe.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunset soon forgotten

I think the best cure for stress is to take a day off. Not a week, or a month, but just a day.

I stayed home today to do that. However the logic of this isn't quite clear; by missing out on a school day, you've already made yourself behind, which is the reason why you're staying home- to catch up. Still, I would've chose to stay home anyway, whatever the consequence - mainly because everyone's entitled a break, and I really wanted one before VCE becomes TOO hectic.*

Too bad these days only pass by once a year.

*who am I kidding it already is.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mario Kart DS

I have a bone to pick with this game.
Not for its awesome racing nor battle games that it offers,
but purely the logic of it.
You may be puzzled as to why I would question such an epic game;

"Why are you doing this to such a beloved past time?"

"Have you no respect for the sheer delight it consistantly provides you with?"

"What am I doing in your room?"

It shall all make sense in a couple of minutes.
You see, my friends,
when I play this game, I demand maximum enjoyment.
I want to become 1st;
I want to see that trophy float in mid air saying that my racing skills are Star material -
not A, not B, not C, but a shiny, yellow mutha ucking star.
And yet, while I race, I want all the cool cheating tools:
The Flying Bullet
_____________The Gold Mushroom
_____________________________The Red Turtle
_________________________________________The Crazy Star
And yet, I can only get these items if I am in 7th or 8th place.
Because ultimately, this game is about giving the crappy drivers a chance to catch up;
to make something of their meaningless lives.
But what about those that are in 1st place?
Do you think we enjoy constantly getting Banana Peels and Pretend Chance Boxes?
Do you think it's 'good fun' when the unavoidable Blue Turtle hits us into oblivion?

What I'm trying to say, Mr.Nintendo,
is to think about the little guys, that always come first.
Give us a chance to win and have fun at the same time.
That's all I ask.

Yours Sincerely,
_____________Karen Ly

Friday, July 24, 2009

I just want some shut eye time

Thought I'd might share with everyone that I have a sleep paralysis. Don't worry, it's not a disease or anything, i just have a f---ed up sleeping pattern causing me to go into this 'outer body experience', says Wikipedia. Basically, some function inside your brain is alert but your body is actually asleep, causing you to panic because you think you're awake but your body refuses to move. I'm pretty sure this is common with a lot of people, especially with those that have irregular sleeping schedules eg. myself.


  • sleeping face up or supine position
  • irregular sleeping schedules, naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
  • increased stress
  • sudden change in environment/lifestyle
  • lucid dream that immediately preceds the episode

*That's right, I did post this at 2:17am on a school night. D:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I personally thought this movie was um, AWESOME. But I'm probably saying this because I've been a fan for years, so any judgement made against anything Harry Potter related is shielded with my unconditional love.
After watching it yesterday, I have to admit, while it prevailed in some scenes, it also lacked in others. The last scene in particular with Dumbledore in the cave; while I was reading it in the book, I imagined a more dark and intense scene and a longer one at that. Sir Michael Gambon, the man who plays Albus Dumbledore, portrays his character with a little more energy then the one I see in the books. As for his character; for a 150+ year old, he sure acts like a 100 year old, if you know what I'm saying. It's not that I'm saying he's a bad actor, but I imagined him to be more frail - especially in that scene. In fact, I felt his character was not put into the film enough. His role in the book is huge, so it was a bit of an anticlimax towards the end.
That aside, I love Ron I love how they've introduced more love interests and conflicts. lol Only because it's so effing cute. However, the concentration of that theme seemed to overpower the impact of the film itself. I shouldn't be complaining because I'm a sucker for these things, but it did need a little more action (the fighting kind).
Overall, I still think it was a great movie. It delivered entertainment and was relatively faithful to the book. I think at times I forgot I was in the cinema, so that's gotta be a huge plus. At first I was critical towards the bad reviews it got, but I understood where they were coming from. For any type of book-to-film adaptation, it's always better if you've read the book first. Otherwise there's more of a chance you'll go off track and not understand it completely. I would give it a bajillion stars if I could, but that's my overprotectiveness talking.

A Man for All Seasons wise
It was a beautiful theatrical experience. The actors were enthusiastic and performed very professionally. Costumes were amaaazingggg and I quite envy whoever was in charge for that. The only problem was that the dim lighting combined with Bolt's hard-to-analyze-dialogue made me very sleepy throughout the whole play. I also got a little nervous as the actors would occasionally look into the distance, which would ultimately be the audience coz that's where they were facing. In one scene I became paranoid that they were looking at me and I felt so awkward I just did anything to avoid their eyes. I think I stared at the ceiling for a while, and then afterwards, I felt bad because if they were really looking at me, they'd think "she probably finds the ceiling more interesting than my acting skills" which is entirely false! So if any of the actors are reading this, I apologise for being an ungrateful spectator, and tell me who you're costume designer is so I can worship their epicness.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Turn up the sun

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Two terms left from 12 years worth of education.

Holy crap.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

angry much

urgh. I'm so sick of being a stupid victim in all of this. I don't have a problem when my sister goes out; she's an adult for god's sake, she has enough maturity to do whatever she wants. But my mom still insists otherwise and constantly gets into this pissy, stubborn mood. And when she does, she takes it out on both me and the rest of the family. I'm sick and tired of being the substitute shit-taker. I mean, what's the point in getting lectured when I haven't even done anything wrong? It's like "If Jen's not home to listen to what I have to say, someone else will." And of course, that'd be me. Because I'm closer to her than anyone in this family, so obviously I'm entitled to cop it as well. I just want to lock the two in a room until I can open the door and find them embracing each other or some shit. I get enough crap from everything else to bother with this stupid child's play.

p.s I'm so frustrated right now I swear to god I will pop a vein.

EDIT: This probably won't make sense to anyone as I wrote it straight after mom left my room. Sorry for the incoherency!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Holidays; the mythical beast

Okay so it's not my fault procrastination follows me every where I go. Believe you me I've tried to abandon it/ignore it/eat it. But it comes back more ferocious and demanding like four rabbits I forgot to feed last night (jokes, but they're seriously lethal when it comes to their seeds).
Today it told me to throw Further out the window and play dress ups to which I replied with ".........Okay!" Here is a little compilation I found literally lying around the house because I haven't shopped in what feels like forever. It was sort of like op shopping in your own house without having to bother paying for its low low prices ☺

TOP..................................................................................hand made
GLASSES.............................................Monsters VS Aliens 3D Frames
CARPET.........................................................It came with the house

I didn't think I'd ever turn into the type that would post images of 'outfits' and 'fashion' related things. I think over the years, after looking at specific blogs *wink wink* I became inspired. FYI that's my sister's room; my mirrors not really standing up so that will just have to do. It's the last Friday of the holidays and I still haven't touched my art folio, nor vis comm, nor anything that I should be giving a shiz about. One may say that I should really pull up my socks and work a little harder, but I say how about go f-I think after two terms of non-stop ass kickage, I choose to have a break. That, and I think the fast paced routine of school made me actually do hw consistantly. But with all this free time and luxury of having Mr Procrastination stalk you all day, it's a lot easier to slip into this comfort zone which puts a blind eye on tedious things. Holidays is a devious clever creature.