Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Belated Tattoo

Taken from emily's camera coz I am a lazy puck
It's actually a sparrow but it has the colours of a robin, and of course, it's connected to the Beatles Blackbird song so go check it out!
Yes it did hurt, but only for a bit. the actual needle-to-skin pain doesn't hurt thaaaat much, its more the repetition of it which makes it a bit of a bitch to sit through. This one touches my collarbone and that CAINS. Common sense though; it's gonna hurt more when it's close to the bone. Buuuuuut, everyone's pain resistance is different so what i'm saying doesn't apply to everyone. If i could describe the feeling in one word, it would be annoying.
this is an old photo, it's actually a lot lighter now coz most of the excess ink has washed off ;)
I think i'm gonna get another one, now that i know what it feels like/how much i like it ... i wouldn't mind one on the side of my back - that's IF i can save up the dosh for one ;)
sorry for the belatedness, i woulda posted it as soon as i got home, but i could not find a cam and to be honest, i was too sore to bother :)