Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A is for Art, and Angry

Okay, so I've set out all my methods books out ready for an awesome night of probabilty distribution and the like when I stumble upon something that sort of makes my eye twitch.

It's not that we don't acknowledge good art when we see it, but we connect to certain things more than others. We don't plan to cause fuss over people's work, but rather express genuine adoration for it. Lol we had a whole topic of bloody Whose Reality, surely we can never assume there is one perception of an artwork but several? I understand where you coming from though. It hurts when your work doesn't quite get as much attention as it should compared to the effort that was made for it. But that's not WHY you're doing it right? Why produce work for the sake of how much attention it will have?

Honestly, i wouldn't cause such a fuss over something so trivial, but when friends are concerned, it becomes a little personal. I don't appreciate it when a good friend of mine is criticised on their work, or when their freedom of speech is discriminated against. Unknowingly, you've judged them, after claiming they have no right to judge others? They have every right to say what they want! Especially when they mean no harm.
You may disregard this, because it does not comply with your opinion, but it doesn't make it right. You may not give a fuck about what i have to say, but you should at least consider the things you DO say potentially offensive. Essentially it is your own opinion of the matter, but this is mine.

It shits me up the wall when people think they're the centre of the universe.