Wednesday, December 30, 2009

how to make bangles

Inspired by blogs and other DIY websites ☺

what you need:

the fabric is about 100cm long and 5cm wide

1. Iron the fabric you're going to be using. I'm using this one again coz we have lots of it. Sew the ends when you're done

2. Apply a good amount of glue on the end of the fabric strip and start wrapping around the bangle
Make sure it's tight, and re-apply more glue throughout if necessary

3. Cut off excess material and finish off with clag glue to hold it together.

Done :)
Great for styling up old bangles you stopped wearing yonks ago :D

Roses are Sometimes Red

Made these while watching Family Guy.
Was inspired by some DIY videos on youtube.

I actually don't know what to do with them. I may have created something without a purpose. So I guess I created ... nothing.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I used mostly clag glue

Jazzing up office supplies because I said so.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I never had a problem with how my room looked. As long as it served it's natural function then I'm happy. Bedroom; bed in a room. And that's how I see it now- just a room with a bed in it.
Which leads me to my next assignment: Project Make-Bedroom-Look-Less-Crap

1.Make a DIY Bookshelf:
This is a simple/5 year old interpretation of a plan I drew up

I'll put up pic's of the construction process later

old sketches

from the ole "Borrowing" book;

a)b) c)d)e)

a) Steve Carell; b) Sara Ramirez c) Random girl from random magazine d) made up e) girl from mag, boy made up

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Day, New drawings

After being shocked at how much i really don't like my Paul McCartney painting, i decided to compensate with this. I wanted to try a more fashion-based style; it's a lot softer and delicate than what I usually do:

<--haha i'm so pro i got the camera string in the pic! woooo!

It's ... somebody. I don't know her name but it's definately not a made up person.
Leave a comment who you think it is coz I sure as hell don't know ):
I think this took an hour and a half :)

p.s i might "finish" this drawing off later. Initially i was gonna leave the hair blank, but i think it'll look better if i did it properly. when i can be bothered of course :P

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Belated Tattoo

Taken from emily's camera coz I am a lazy puck
It's actually a sparrow but it has the colours of a robin, and of course, it's connected to the Beatles Blackbird song so go check it out!
Yes it did hurt, but only for a bit. the actual needle-to-skin pain doesn't hurt thaaaat much, its more the repetition of it which makes it a bit of a bitch to sit through. This one touches my collarbone and that CAINS. Common sense though; it's gonna hurt more when it's close to the bone. Buuuuuut, everyone's pain resistance is different so what i'm saying doesn't apply to everyone. If i could describe the feeling in one word, it would be annoying.
this is an old photo, it's actually a lot lighter now coz most of the excess ink has washed off ;)
I think i'm gonna get another one, now that i know what it feels like/how much i like it ... i wouldn't mind one on the side of my back - that's IF i can save up the dosh for one ;)
sorry for the belatedness, i woulda posted it as soon as i got home, but i could not find a cam and to be honest, i was too sore to bother :)

Hey Ju- Karen

Today, somehow inspired by the movie 500 Days of Summer, I painted a portrait of Paul McCartney:

It's unfinished; I've concluded- I don't think I'm much of a painter :(

My working station. Folks still pester me to clean it up

I SHALL DO A SIMPLE DRAWING NEXT, cleaning was WAY too troublesome.

hello world

turning this into an art blog
because I've realised
after finishing art 3&4,
I seem
to have lost my
artistic momentum.
this will cure
my lack of
thanks for tuning in :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

say whaaaaaat?


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

long time no blog

gosh its been a while, hey!
B'day bash is coming up soon soon soon! So I thought I might make a tiny wishlist for those that are struggling at the moment ;
*HEELS size 7, preferably bright colored

*Fossil Wallet, long

*Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ..... just to complete the set lols
*RINGS & bangles; rusty gold, chains

*Purses w/ chains

*Big leather baaaaags

*Liquid Eyeliner, Powder Foundation Brush

*Colored non prescription contact lenses: blue, violet (ICE acessories)

*Ray Ban sunnies
*anything The Beatles related :) (t-shirts, posters)
If not I would LOVE Officeworks/Diva/Myer gift card or.....monies!
That's it for now ... I might add more if I see anything I like.These are only rough suggestions but i'm happy to receive whatever haha

My bunny just had another litter of babies so if anyone's interesting in owning one, contact me through msn or facebook. No cash required; we're simply giving them away ;)